Friday, December 12, 2008

The Grass Is Always Greener When You're Not on a Treadmill

A few years ago, I worked out regularly at the Downtown Y. It was a block from work, their weight machines made cool video game noises when you met your goal, and I had friends who worked there. At the time, I didn't have a TV, so I'd go to the gym every day to catch General Hospital while running on the treadmill. It was kind of awesome.

I went to the Rec Center at Dawson Memorial for the first time yesterday. In a lot of ways, it was great. The staff was friendly and helpful. I got to use a locker — with a lock — for free. I got to escape gross weather outside.

Problem is, running on a treadmill isn't as exciting as it was when I used to get caught up in the drama between Lucky and Elizabeth. I'd just started running then, and I didn't have much to compare my treadmill runs to.

Yesterday I found my workout mind-numbingly boring. I quickly got dizzy from bouncing up and down and staring at the same scoreboard. There were no TVs, but I don't think it would've been much better if there had been. Now that I know what it's like to run outside with real wind and real ground under my feet, the gym feels stifling and fake.

True, it was better than nothing. But when I got home and pulled my gym bag out of my car, I saw another runner. He was running with his dog through the cold sleet. I have to admit, I was jealous.

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