Sunday, November 2, 2008

Weekly Totals = Amanda 48, Carrie 48, Elisa 46

Sharpen your pencils and put on your thinking caps, because today's your LAST CHANCE to suggest a Physical Challenge!

"What's a Physical Challenge," you ask? Check out Contest Rules in the sidebar to the right for details. Then just comment on any post to suggest your own. We'll announce the winning challenge tomorrow — and the winning suggestion earns you a free Triathablog t-shirt!

AMANDA: 8 points (48 Cumulative)
5 points = Weekly Swims
1 point = Special Report Challenge
1 point = Santa Challenge (Basketball)
1 point = OMG Challenge (Swam 250 Meters WITH Flip Turns!)

CARRIE: 12 points (48 Cumulative)
5 points = Weekly Runs
3 points = This Week's Masquerade Challenge (Ladybug)
1 point = Flux Capacitor Challenge (Different Time)
1 point = Touch Your Toes Challenge (Yoga)
1 point = Iron Challenge (Weight Lifting)
1 point = Hemingway Challenge (Fitness Journal)

ELISA: 8 points (46 Cumulative)
5 points = Weekly Rides
3 points = This Week's Masquerade Challenge (Police Woman)


Anonymous said...

Drink a gallon of water each day... that's healthy!

Carrie said...

my sigg bottle is up to the challenge!

Anonymous said...

What about getting a massage? It is good for you and your body. Plus, let's face it-you Triathagirls could use a break!

Carrie said...

my misaligned back is up to the challenge!

Elisa M said...

My tense shoulders are crying for this challenge...

Anonymous said...

i like the water drinking challenge. and the doublemint challenge.

Elisa said...

Man, I have got to get ON IT! Because I am in it to win it, baby. Yeah.