Thursday, October 2, 2008

flip skills

Swimming is not something that I ever thought I would take seriously. I have always had what we might call an "unhealthy fear of swimsuits." When my physical therapist told me that I should swim to reduce impact on my knee (which was injured while training for a half marathon last year), I am pretty sure that the look I gave her said, "You realize this means swimsuits, and for this I hate you."

My fear was only confirmed when I joined the gym and saw that the pool is surrounded by glass on all sides. You can be seen in your swimsuit - just a couple of yards of fabric away from naked - from almost any point in the gym. Clearly, this was designed by a man.

My first attempt went a little something like this: go to the locker room, change into swimsuit, hurry past mirror so as to not see self in swimsuit, remove towel and shower quickly, put towel back on, walk to pool, walk past young male lifeguard, remove towel quickly and get in water so as to not show my nearly naked body to the pervs in the weight room, swim awkwardly for roughly twenty minutes, get out of pool and put on towel quickly, walk back past young male lifeguard and into the safety of the locker room. I had not felt so awkward since the presidential fitness test in sixth grade.

After a couple of months of doing this a few times a week, I have gotten used to the idea of eighty-five percent of my epidermis being exposed to the world, and have come to enjoy swimming. I look forward to it, even. Sick, but true.

Yesterday's swim, day one of the Triathablog challenge of which I will be triumphant, went well. After reading a couple of articles about technique and practicing for a while, I feel like I am starting to get an idea of what the freestyle is supposed to feel like. Who knew that there was so much technicality? Streamlining and kicking and stretching and twisting and breathing. There is a lot to remember. But that means that there is also much to be victorious in.

[Prepare for really lame trash talk]

Carrie and Elisa ... I hope you're ready for this. You're about to be left in my wake. Mmmwaahhhaa!

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