Tuesday, December 2, 2008

TriathaBLAH: Is the Honeymoon Over?

It seems we Triathabloggers have collectively hit a wall. Two weeks ago, if you'd asked any of us about the project, you would have gotten an enthusiastic progress report, combined with a little all-in-good-fun trash talk.

Ask us about it now, and you'll probably meet a glazed over look of exhaustion. I, for one, would much rather talk about napping, or hot guys in the new Twilight movie, or napping. (I know, I said it twice.)

Wikipedia defines "hitting a wall" as the "condition when an athlete suddenly loses energy and becomes fatigued." Uh, yeah. I think we're there.

How do we get past this? Wiki recommends Carbo Loading (check — Ranch Fries), consuming food or drinks (check — Americanos), and lowering the intensity of the exercise.

Ah, there's the rub. If we're going to finish with dignity (okay, let's be honest, bragging rights), we can't take it easy.

I want new motivation. I want renewed discipline. I want it to be exciting again.

But maybe that's not the point. Maybe the point is to keep going, even when I'm slow, or feeling sick, or stressed at work, or hung over from holiday parties — whatever. Maybe, in the end, that's how you make fitness a part of your life, and not just a phase.

Either way, I always welcome an excuse to Carbo Load.


alan b said...

i would be thoroughly disappointed if you ladies called it quits at this point. i have been inspired to ride or thinking about the idea of riding everyday because of you gals.

my uncle, who coincidentally is an iron man competitor and represented the us in the triathlon world championships, told me over thanksgiving break that his favorite (paraphrased) quote is in order to win, your will to prepare to win has to be greater than your will to win. i think that asshole bobby knight said that.

Elisa M said...

What a lovely compliment! Thanks A.

and don't worry, we are all much too stubborn and competitive to actually give up...