(photo from Ecovelo)
I just got back from what was a really fun night, full of knitting, pizza and beer, cycling videos and bike talk. Some friends and I are in the process of starting a Bike Co-op, called Bici Co-op. We are in the early planning phases and meetings mainly consist of us going over paperwork and talking about cycling in the city. Tonight we also planned an AMAZING Valentines Alleycat race and benefit party (details to come...prom theme!).
Doing this has been really hopeful for me. Many people my age have left Birmingham lately, and the 'bike culture' of Portland seems to be a big draw for them. I agree that they do have a system that is a cyclists dream, and the city is lovely...but I am thoroughly enjoying advocating for a biking community here in Birmingham. Being involved at the beginning phases of a movement is so rewarding, especially one I believe so strongly in. The Bici Co-op will be a shop, meeting point for Birmingham's riders and a strong advocate for cycling in the city. A place where cyclists from all walks of life can come and feel welcome.
Starting it is a challenge and next month we are attending Bike!Bike! Southeast, a conference on bike co-ops. 3 of us are planning on making the trip to Atlanta (100 miles) via bike and making it a car free weekend. I think it will be really encouraging to meet others who have the same interests and passions. Heck, Heath is even going to teach the Basic Bike Repair class! Getting contacts and ideas will be invaluable. As will sharing ideas and not feeling like we are the only ones. That is one thing about cycling here in Birmingham...I often feel like a novelty act. People often say "Wow, I could never do that!" or (my personal favorite) "That is crazy! You don't need to ride your bike, you are skinny!". Even "that is WAY too dangerous". I imagine it will be refreshing to be around like minded folks who think cycling is a fun, responsible way to get around. While the ride to Atlanta seems a bit daunting (did I mention that I am going with 2 guys who ride all the time?!), I can't think of anything that sounds more fun. Meeting new people and riding in a new city, planning a Non-Profit and learning from others...I am smiling just thinking about it!
If you would like to get involved, or stay up to date on the progress of The Bici Bicycle Cooperative (or make a tax deductible donation), shoot me an email. The more the merrier. bike!bike! is Jan 22-25, and we would love for you to come along with us. Even if you are not interested in starting the Co-op, the riding will be good and the company stellar!
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