Monday, October 27, 2008

water in your nose, not so scary after all

I learned how to do this over the weekend:

Yeah, I'm pretty much a real swimmer now. I was always the one who flipped and jumped off the diving board while holding my nose as a kid. LAME. But my friend Sara, who used to swim competitively, joined me in the pool this weekend for a little tutorial on the flip turn. I've been too scared to try it to this point, and even hesitated SEVERAL times while she was trying to teach me. I would swim toward the wall and then just stop about a foot from the turn. Needless to say we had a lot of laughs in the process and, I'm sure, annoyed the other swimmers and life guards. I finally got it, and have been practicing on my own - it's like I've taken my first steps, wobbly though they may be. This morning I did manage to fill my nose with water rather nicely - it was as painful as I remembered. I think there is still chlorine in my nasal passages.

Three reasons why I am excited about mastering the flip turn:
  1. It makes me appear as though I know what I am doing.
  2. Less time at the end of the lane = a better workout.
  3. It looks really cool.


Elisa M said...

You are awesome! I am WAY too scared to try that, memories of bruised heels and ankles.

Anonymous said...

it was my student that swam in the far lane-- i asked this morning. thankfully, he didn't know it was me. disaster of 18-yo student seeing me in my swimsuit averted. :)
you totally rocked that flip turn. your fear was conquered in like 15 minutes. that's quite impressive. go mandie go!

kristen said...

You rock, Amanda!

Anonymous said...

Way to go!! I may have to temporarily switch my cheering allegiance from Elisa for that flip turn accomplishment alone. I've been working on my flip turns recently, too - excepting one somewhat embarrasing moment when I ended up in the adjancent lane, it's been going swimmingly.

Elisa M said...


Anonymous said...

teach me! please, please, please! i'm afraid, too.

Amy said...

you learned how to do that?! You are too cool.

Charlene said...

Whoa, Mandie. HARD. CORE.