Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Corners like it's on rails

Today I faced my fears and commuted to work. Mick Jagger rose to the challenge. I decided last night that I would be riding today, so it felt a bit like Christmas Eve. I picked out my outfit, packed my lunch and went to bed early.

This morning I woke up before the sun (WAY before the sun), ate a nutritious breakfast, got dressed, packed up and left. Before you ask, let me tell you what I wore. Baby blue riding tights (capri length) under a Free People flowered dress. Added a blue scarf, cuddle-dud shirt and blue windbreaker. Pretty adorable, finished the look with my black Vans and homemade fingerless gloves (out of old wool socks!).

ANYWAY, I drove to a safe place, as I cannot ride yet from my house due to dangerous routes and set off. It was great. chilly but great. I arrived at work in one piece, red faced and feeling alive. Total time for commute was 20 minutes each way, the same amount of time it takes me to drive!

Now that I have done this, I don't understand why more people don't at least try it. It is a great feeling, not even taking into consideration the gas saved and carbon not burned. I was more alert all day and did not have my usual mid-day slump. One thing I will say is that I need to remember to pack a second breakfast because I was super hungry around 9am! The day went by faster and I was in a great mood. Such a great mood that I have not freaked out despite dropping my Macbook and cracking the front!

The ride home was a bit harder as it was 25 degrees warmer and I had been working all day, but it was still lovely. I inadvertently gave most of Mountain Brook a nice cleavage shot on the way home, which I realized later and regret (work dress with unzipped wind breaker...not a good idea. oops). Well, live and learn!

I am planning to keep commuting via bike. I was accepted into the GetGreen program with CommuteSmart today so the money is going to start rolling in, $2 a day! Ok-the money is just a bonus, a very nice bonus.

Plus, I felt like a total bad ass.


kristen said...

How awesome! I think the Brooksies need a little flashing every now and again, I wouldn't worry about it.

Anonymous said...

Hello Carrie, Amanda, & Elisa,

My name is Megan Peterson, and I work at an Internet map-content start-up company in Boulder, Colorado. I just perused your Triathablog. In general, we’re trying to bring information about
biking, running, & swimming (among a variety of interests like art, birding, camping, etc.)
onto the Internet (Google maps, for example) as well as onto GPS devices and in-car navigation units. Our initial focus is on the US, Canada & UK.
Our site will be structured and dynamic, driven by our users who will create and edit content (like a Wikipedia page). Also, our site will be free to all users, registered or not.

I'm very interested in having you participate in our private site review occurring in several weeks. Essentially, we’d give you login information,
have you create a user profile, peruse the site (i.e. the bike routes, running/ biking trails, swimming pools, etc.), and give us detailed feedback. Also, we will enable you to invite others who may be interested in our site. Ideally, you enjoy and contribute to our site, and blog about it. We’re hoping this is something you’d be interested in.

Thanks for your time. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. I look forward to your response.


Megan Peterson
Marketing Specialist

Anonymous said...

Oops - here is my email address:
