This morning I performed our most unanimously dreaded challenge: The MASQUERADE CHALLENGE, in which I had to wear a costume while performing my sport.
Oddly, I got little reaction from my fellow early-morning runners. It was kind of dark, but I'd think it'd be pretty hard not to notice a human-shaped ladybug running toward you.
Anyway, they didn't notice (one guy gave me a big smile but I couldn't tell if it was related) even though my spots were smearing a little, and I was having to hold my wings on straight, and I kept veering on and off the trail because of my haunted iPod. (At first it wouldn't play, and then it worked fine. During the silence I was frantically pushing buttons, which did nothing except make the light come on. The sun hadn't come up yet, so the iLight was really bright, and after looking at it I couldn't see the trail so I kept running off it accidentally).
I think maybe everyone running pre-7 a.m. is just too groggy, or too intensely dedicated, to notice much of what anyone else is doing. That's why I like running in the morning so much, actually. No one pays that much attention when I'm clumsy or groggy ... or dressed like a giant bug. It really helps me not to feel self-conscious.
i just don't know if i'll be able to pull this one off. i haven't had time to find something swimable! someone may be pulling into the lead this week ...
You make a great ladybug, Carrie. I think you should wear it all next week a little later in the morning to just see what reactions you get when others can actually see you.
Oh my God.
I wholeheartedly wish I would've run into you this morning on my way out the door. Can't believe you actually went through with this. And, it being different than your other Halloween costume makes it all the more impressive.
I'm exhausted, which is not the ideal way to feel right before going to two or three parties, then partaking on an insane month-long writing project. But oh well. My excitement should outweigh my tiredness.
you've got guts girl. i've been dying to know if your other competitors met the challenge as well - especially the swimmer. but i was saddened to see her above comment.
can i just say that i did, in fact, go to look for something to swim in this afternoon, but to no avail. but i was SO glad i didn't find anything - today was apparently hot swimmer day at the pool. i'll give up three points for not looking like a tool next to my smokin' lane mate. just sayin'.
Had to look at this photo one more time. For laughs.
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