This weekend the Tonight We Ride guys are having a Hoedown! Triathablog is helping sponsor, so come out and say hello. Oh, and you will also see some awesome track bike tricks and BIKE POLO! I can't wait for that to go down. I am thinking Brocycle vs. Tonight we Ride...
so, grab a sixer and some burgers and come out for a lovely Sunday outing. We'll be the cute girls.
*available locally at Homewood Cycles
Can I ask a question? Why fixed-speed? It seems completely impractical. We're no peddling around Brooklyn here. There are some big-ass hills in this city. And I live on one. Riding home sucks with gears. How bad would it suck without them?
Patrick-I actually ride a geared bike, and can't imagine getting to work without one at this point!
The fixed gear vs freewheel debate (controversy?) is something I will be writing about very soon, so stay tuned. If you just can't wait, go here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fixed-gear_bicycle, it talks about pros and cons.
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