Saturday, December 27, 2008

Who needs therapy with Triathablog?

Hello internets,
Christmas is winding down, the tree is at the curb, leftovers are running out and all is quiet. The few days after Christmas is always a bit of a downer, with the Christmas high crashing and the 'oh my goodness, I ate SO much and spent SO much this year' settling in! Normally for me this is also a time of reflection and rest, this year being no different in that aspect.

However, today was a little different for me. (Deep Breath). A year ago today, someone very close to me died. It was sudden and terrible. Needless to say, I have been dreading today for about 364 days...

I woke up and Anna (who is visiting family in the same small town where I am!) and I went on a lovely bike ride downtown for coffee and strolling. Scott and I talked often about getting bikes and riding, so that felt fitting. Something in rememberence of him that also symbolizes hope in my life. Whenever I get on my bike I feel hopeful and alive. I am not sure what causes this, but I love it. Whether is it cold and gray or sunny and warm makes no difference, riding makes me feel like a kid. A kid who has never felt loss or death and calls it a good day if a bike ride and a popsicle happen.

To sum up (because this has been all over the place!), riding my bike turned what could have been a bad day into a quiet day spent with the wind in my hair and my feet on the pedals. A respite on 2 wheels.

I have never been so grateful for my bike as I was today

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