Saturday, December 20, 2008

Link Round up

Well, I don't have too much to say today. Another week of no riding, due to stitches in my lip (which, thanks to Triathablog, I am telling people is because of a cycling accident...I sound like such a badass. Thanks Triathablog!). I can honestly say that I miss riding SO VERY MUCH! The good news is that I am getting a lot of crocheting done. But not getting any points.

Here are some of the cycling sites that I check frequently. There are more, of course. I find a new site nearly everyday. If there are any that I am missing, please let me know.

Bike Snob NYC

Bicycle Pirate-great cycling fashion
The Lazy Randonneur
Velo Vogue-where the bike lane meets the runway
Bike Hugger
Urban Velo
Ecovelo-great blog with beautiful photographs.


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