Thursday, December 4, 2008

enough with all of this negative talk!

Surprisingly, I am on schedule with my swims this week. After last week’s embarrassing defeat I feel somewhat motivated to get to the pool, which has been an unexpected glimmer of hope in this busy season. I actually went last night at nine o’clock, only thirty minutes prior to my desired bedtime, and then came home to make soup for a party I’m attending tonight (which I will also swim before this afternoon). If that’s not dedication, I don’t know what is. As for this week’s physical challenge, there will be plenty of time for me to meditate in my lonely hotel room in Charlotte this weekend, as I travel alone to visit a culinary school. I may even utilize the hotel fitness room to kick some ass with extra points … watch out, ladies.

Another thing that has gotten me more motivated this week is seeing some progress in my technique. I have been reading more about correct form and how you should feel like you are “gliding” through the water when performing the strokes correctly. This has been a much desired, though somewhat unattainable, goal until this week when I finally felt some gliding action (bad choice of words?) with the freestyle. Hooray! Correct form is so important with swimming because without it, strokes are inefficient and unnecessary energy is wasted. And does it ever take energy! Unlike with some other sports (ahem), endurance can’t be achieved solely by pushing yourself further. With swimming that will only result in fatigue, not greater distances or longer workouts. It is nice to finally feel like I am getting somewhere, and I am thankful that it has come at a time when I needed a kick in the pants.

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