Friday, November 7, 2008

Movie Review: Prefontaine

Tonight I watched Prefontaine, a somewhat poorly acted film (it's set up kind of like a documentary, but with actors playing the interviewees ... unless Al Bundy really did coach Track and Field) about running legend Steve Prefontaine.

I was struck by the importance of competition on Pre's running — and on athletics in general, really. Why do runners make their best times in competition? What is it about the race that pushes us to go further than we would on an everyday run?

We Triathabloggers get this question a LOT: Why have a competition? Why not do this on your own?

For me, the answer's so simple: We compete because it pushes us further. And we compete because it's fun.

Did Steve Prefontaine showboat? Yeah, and so do we (read the previous post if you need proof). But did he come through for his team when they needed him? He did. And so do we, coming through for each other with affirmation and support (see Amanda and Elisa's comments on my last Special Report if you need proof) when we need it.

We're not the type of girls who enjoy running alone on treadmills. We're girls who want to dive in, run harder, ride farther. We're girls who like a challenge, and we're girls who like to win. With Triathablog, we embrace that.

Prefontaine is a lackluster movie, but Pre's story does shine through. Plus there's lots of retro facial hair, some interesting history (about the Munich Olympics and the founding of Nike, particularly), and plenty of shirtless shots of Jordan Catalano (okay, Jared Leto). All in all, not a bad rental.

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